The department is a unique professional union of plastic surgeons at the service of its patients by offering them high quality complex medical services.
Plastic surgery has never been more accessible until now
Yes, you have understood correctly! Only here and for the first time you will meet plastic surgery and accessibility in one sentence. Here you will receive professional counseling, understanding and care for your needs, in addition to modern treatment for the sake of health, aesthetics and a better quality of life.
The Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery has been awarded the third level of competence in accordance with the established medical standards. The department is located on the 5th floor, sector „A“ and has 10 hospital beds. The hospital rooms have 2 and 3 beds, a private bathroom with a bath, central air conditioning, telephone, LED TV with free TV programs, free Wi-Fi and hi-tech communication system between patients and medical staff.
We have employed three physicians specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, [and] one – in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation and another one who is still a graduate. The department works in close collaboration with distinguished specialists and clinics in Belgium and France.
The work range of the Department includes all types of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery meeting the requirements for the third level of competence
Отделението разполага с модерно оборудване и богат инструментариум за работа във всички области на пластично-възстановителната и естетична хирургия: от ендоскопска техника, при естетичната хирургия, до оборудване за супермикрохирургия, при оперативно лечение на лимфедем.
ОПЕРАЦИОНЕН МИКРОСКОП с увеличителен модул до 24 пъти
09:00ч. - 17:00ч.
+359 357 88 549 – Отделение по пластична хирургия
+359 889 813 983 – Д-р Р. Хатър, дм
+359 896 742 064 – Д-р П. Войнов
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