The scientific and research activity at the Uni Hospital Multidisciplinary Hospital for Active Treatment is carried out through the Centre for Clinical Trials and Educational Activities.
The Hospital management and team work in the following areas:
- Asserting the medical institution as a training base for students and graduate students.
- Ensuring a continuous process of maintaining and upgrading the qualifications of the specialists, focusing on the quality of the medical activities.
- Creation of a team approach in the implementation of medical activities.
- Participation in scientific conferences, congresses in Bulgaria and abroad.
- Participation in scientific projects, clinical trials and non-interventional clinical studies.
- Participation in Medical Councils and Interdisciplinary Councils.
- Organizing presentations with leading specialists on topical therapeutic areas.
An Ethics Committee for Medical and Scientific Research has been established in the medical institution. The main goal of the team is the ethical expert evaluation of medical-biological, medical-clinical and medical-social scientific research.