Dr. Stanchev has specialization in (IAEA), Sarajevo, Slovenia, 1999 – „Application of radionuclide methods in oncology“. He is a member of the Bulgarian Society of Nuclear Medicine and the European Association of Nuclear Medicine.
He speaks English very well (graduated from the English Language School).
Dr. Stanchev started working in 1982 at VMI-Plovdiv as a full-time graduate student at the Radioisotope Center. In 1985, he defended his dissertation on the topic „Radionuclide diagnostics in patients with breast cancer“. From 1986 to October 2015, Dr. Stanchev was the Head of assistant in the Department of „Clinical Oncology“ at the Medical University – Plovdiv and a doctor in the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the UMBAL „St. Georgi“ – Plovdiv.
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email: nm@unihospitalbg.com