The accreditation for medical tourism proves that the hospital meets world standards for treatment

“Uni Hospital” is successfully accredited by Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA). The medical facility is the only one general hospital in Bulgaria accredited by GHA. The main goal of GHA is through its accreditation program to confirm the high quality of services for patients who undertake travel for prevention, treatment and follow-up care. The coverage of the criteria for treatment of medical travelers or the so-called medical tourism is a natural continuation of the current hospital policy for continuous quality improvement in medical care for patients under safe environment..


The accreditation certificate obtained by “Uni Hospital” is a guarantee for the GHA requirements fulfillment of the standards for safe and efficient hospital care for patients, as well as the logistics related to their travel. Treatment abroad is a trend with increasing demand and “Uni Hospital” has proven its ability to provide foreign patients access to quality healthcare services in an environment that combines the latest generation of equipment and high professional experience of medical staff.


The successful GHA accreditation contributes to increasing  recognition and credibility of the hospital, improves its quality of work, its competitiveness, medical and social role and importance of the facility and most importantly – ensures excellent quality of patient care while maintaining the best treatment practices. This is the next step in the affirmation of the hospital significance, now in international aspect“, stated upon receipt of the accreditation certificate “Uni Hospital” manager, Dr. Krassimira Chachova-Rancheva.


The main medical structures for which “Uni Hospital” is accredited to develop international medical tourism are: Oncology Center, Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.


„The aim of the hospital to always provide patients with quality medical services is reached with the Global Healthcare Accreditation as an indisputable proof of the high level of medical care. Successful accreditation is the independent assessment that „Uni Hospital“ has created all the conditions for achieving effective treatment in complete safety for patients. The medical facility will continue to operate, following the state-of-art medical protocols, but with a wider range of patients – not only from Bulgaria but also all around the world. This system is a guarantee for striving for continuous improvement of the medical teams qualification“, stated the executive director of „Assarel Panagyurishte Health“ Dr. Yavor Drenski.


About „Uni Hospital“

„Uni Hospital“ is result of the largest private investment in Bulgarian healthcare over the past 25 years. The mission of the medical institution is to offer patients from Bulgaria and abroad the widest range of highly specialized medical services and the latest generation of medical equipment. For the five years since the opening of „Uni Hospital“, it has established as one of the leading medical facilities on the health map of Bulgaria. So far „Uni Hospital“ has provided medical care to over 100,000 patients.


About Global Healthcare Accreditation

The Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) program for medical tourism was created to improve care and provision of medical services by patients who travel for treatment or follow-up. GHA standards ensure that the facility has protocols that meet patients’ needs and expectations. They are the basis of the medical tourism program and are subject to constant quality control and development. GHA provides an opportunity for healthcare organizations to improve their skills and competencies by upgrading the quality of their medical services..